Founded in 2005 with 140 members, lead the way in ensuring that that financial institutions and practitioners are educated, supported and empowered to stop financial criminals.

The very first Northern conference took place in Birmingham on Wednesday 11th October 2017, hosted by Squire Patton Boggs’ Birmingham office.

The conference saw a strong turnout of money laundering reporting officers and compliance professionals drawn from a variety of financial services’ business in the Midlands and beyond, including HSBC, Barclays Bank, Deutsche Bank and Svenska Handelsbanken. Presentations covered a wide variety of financial crime related hot topics and offered unique insights into new developments, enforcement trends and unique industry challenges.

The day was chaired by David Pelled, CEO of   The speakers were: Quinn Perrott (General Manager, TRAction Fintechs), Jason Sugarman QC (Barrister, Foundry Chambers), Jonathan Williams (Former Head of Payments & Strategy, Experian), Denis O’Connor (Financial Crime Expert), Michael Whittington (Head of Employee Screening, The Risk Advisory Group), Mark Rainsford QC (Barrister, 33 Chancery Lane) and Garon Anthony, Chris Webber and Paul Anderson all from Squire Patton Boggs.

The conference was a great success with excellent speakers and thought provoking debate on how to prevent financial crime. Most importantly the conference was very well received by attendees with excellent feedback on the day’s events.