On 22 June 2016 we hosted the first in our planned series of Finance Disputes Roundtable breakfast events here at our offices in Devonshire Square in the heart of the City. SPB UK Head of Litigation Laurence Winston and I enjoyed a very interesting discussion with our guests around the topic of how best to respond to a fraud or cybercrime attack. We covered:
- What to do in the critical first 24 hours after discovering a fraud.
- The investigation phase and how to quickly build a full picture of what has happened.
- The range of orders English courts can make to assist in locating and freezing misappropriated assets and how to get them.
- Coordinated execution of asset freezes and information searches.
- Particular issues for FCA regulated firms, employment aspects, and other things to consider.
- Learning the lessons of a fraud or cyber-attack to develop more robust anti-fraud controls.
If you were unable to attend the roundtable but would like to know more about these topics or would like a copy of our “Fraud Response Checklist” please feel free get in touch. Details of our next roundtable event in September will be announced shortly: watch out on this blog or our website for further information.