For the next in our breakfast roundtable series, Laurence Winston and I will be joined by intelligence and investigations specialists James Stothard and Damian Ozenbrook of Blue Square Global to look at tracing and recovering stolen assets. Following on from our well-received recent roundtable session on how to react to a cyber-theft or fraud, we are looking forward to another lively Chatham House Rules discussion of a range of issues including:

  • Effective use of investigators and other asset tracing techniques
  • The investigator’s perspective
  • Looking behind complex trust structures and tracing ultimate owners
  • Following the money across jurisdictions
  • Enforcement tactics in the UK, EU and beyond

The roundtable will be taking place on 20 September 2016, with registration and breakfast from 8:15 and the discussion getting underway from 8:45. If you would like to join us please register here: places are limited.