Charlotte Farnsworth

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Findings of the FRC’s Audit Committee research point towards audit sector reform

The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has just published the outcome of new research into the approach that Audit Committee Chairs (ACCs) take to audit quality. The findings suggest inconsistency among ACCs on what constitutes audit quality, and how it should be approached, which the FRC says “lends weight to the proposals for reforms in the … Continue Reading

DWP sets out “Stronger Nudge” regime to protect savers and rein in Pension Freedoms

Following successful trials, the Department of Work and Pensions (“DWP”) announced proposals last  Wednesday to introduce a “Stronger Nudge” regime, as part of a package of measures aimed at helping savers make better-informed decisions when it comes to accessing their pension savings, and to further protect them from scams.… Continue Reading

Latest BI insurance Court ruling – Loss of use because of lockdown does not constitute loss of property

In another ruling on the issue of post-Lockdown claims under business interruption (BI) insurance policies, the High Court last week summarily dismissed an action brought by a London crêperie, holding that its reliance on its policy with Allianz Insurance plc (Allianz) could only be triggered by physical loss of property as opposed to merely temporary … Continue Reading

FCA highlights risks of market abuse in a time of pandemic

In a recent speech delivered at the City Financial Global event, Julia Hoggett (Director of Market Oversight at the FCA) set out the key risks created by operating in market conditions brought on by COVID-19, and the FCA’s expectation that markets remain clean “whatever the times and whatever the challenges“.… Continue Reading

Court decides that litigation privilege does not apply to accountant’s reports  

The High Court has decided that a series of reports prepared by the accountants Deloitte LLP (“Deloitte”) for Sports Direct International PLC (“Sports Direct”) (now known as Frasers Group Ltd) in relation to a proposed tax structure were not prepared for the sole or dominant purpose of litigation, and were therefore not protected from disclosure … Continue Reading

Government confirms its position on insurers deducting grants from COVID-19 BI settlements

HM Treasury has responded to a letter from The Association of British Insurers (ABI), confirming the Government’s firm expectation that “grant funds intended to provide emergency support to businesses at this time of crisis are not to be deducted from business interruption insurance claims.” The ABI’s Letter Huw Edwards, Director General of the ABI, wrote … Continue Reading

FCA announces radical proposals to shake up premium pricing in GI market to improve competition for customers

We know that the regulator has long been concerned about different (and lower) premiums been offered to new customers compared to loyal customers who may not shop around for their insurances (the so called “loyalty penalty”). The FCA says that its work in the area has identified 6 million policyholders paying high or very high … Continue Reading